Archaeological Services
We offer the fastest and most affordable compliance services in the region. Don't believe us? Just ask your neighbor.
Our Archaeologists are second-to-none in the region. Our veteran team has supported hundreds of projects to ensure proper compliance with Federal and State law and ethical treatment of America's History and Prehistory.
Our field crews use proprietary technology developed in-house to turbocharge data collection. This means a shorter time in the project area and higher quality results, all at a lower overall cost.

Archaeological Work is often required when Federal grants or Agencies are involved in a development project. This typically involves the following Process:
Phase I archaeological survey identifies where sites are located, if any, in the project area. It involves both background research and survey of the project area. Based on the results of the research and survey, CARA will evaluate the presence of any archaeological site(s). If the results of our investigation suggest that the project area contains culturally significant sites, as defined by state standards and the National Historic Preservation Act, CARA will recommend 1) avoidance of the site, or 2) further testing.
Phase II archaeological investigation provides this further testing. During this more intensive phase, test units are excavated to determine the presence and extent of intact subsurface features. (Features are typically soil anomalies that can either be cultural— such as a post hole or fire pit— or noncultural— like a tree root or rodent burrow.) CARA will analyze the information recovered from these excavations and based upon those results, will recommend 1) avoidance of the site, 2) further recovery of cultural remains, or 3) that no further testing is necessary.
Phase III Archaeological Mitigation is the most intensive stage of cultural resource recovery. It is recommended only when Phase I and Phase II investigations yielded significant cultural resources. Phase III data recovery is a more intensive version of Phase II, involving large excavation units and recording of features. This final stage of mitigation will allow you to proceed with their plans while preserving the cultural resources to the extent that the law requires.
Monitoring of Excavations by a qualified archaeologist is sometimes required when earth-moving is more likely to uncover archaeological materials. This common along shorelines and areas with known historic resources or events. Our experts can ensure your excavations avoid any sensitive areas as may be required by law.